Puriri Hills Pope 2014 Clevedon New Zealand 750ml
Puriri Hills Pope 2014 Clevedon New Zealand 750ml
Pope is Puriri Hills exceptional vintage wine that was first produced in 2005. It is only produced in outstanding years and consistently ranks as New Zealand s top Bordeaux blend. To date, only 5 vintages of Pope have been produced.
98 Points "Quite a Bordeaux-like red that's more vinous than fruity. Savoury, dried herb, spicy oak, leather, violet, dark berries, plum and cocoa powder. Still quite youthful with plenty of cellaring potential." - Bob Campbell
5 Stars “The very elegant 2014 vintage (5*) is a blend of Merlot (41 per cent), Cabernet Franc (31 per cent), Carménère (18 per cent) and Malbec (10 per cent). Fragrant, rich and still youthful, with deep, bright colour, it is concentrated and finely structured, with concentrated, plummy, spicy flavours, a hint of dark chocolate, and a savoury, silky, long finish. Best drinking 2023+” - Michael Cooper