The wines in our cellar are all sustainably produced following the guidelines set out by Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand. New Zealand is the clean green capital of the world and we are proud of the sustainably and ethically produced wines that we offer.
The New Zealand wine industry is working towards being carbon neutral by 2050, including emissions from the distance the wines need to travel to market. Wineries are firmly committed to the low-emissions goal, there have been many exciting innovations in viticulture and winemaking.
Here at Aroha Wine we do our best to be as green as possible. We re-use packaging and recycle where we can – and we contribute towards the cost of recycling the bottles we import. Our delivery packaging is biodegradable, including the green packing pellets. Tape however is not, so please remove it before recycling the boxes!
We have chosen our logistics partners with care – Fiege handle long distance shipping:
“If you want to do logistics right, there is no way around sustainability. It is Fiege’s goal to offer our clients services that are as efficient as is possible. To achieve this, we merge shipments, improve the use of our spaces, optimise the energy footprint of our buildings, or even develop intermodal transport modes…”
For national deliveries we use Planzer who make use of the existing railway network to cover the bulk of the distance for deliveries.
“Only an intact environment can mean sustainability, that is why we look after it. As an example, 60% of all deliveries of ours are made by CO2-neutral trains on the long-distance part of the journey. The delivery of the goods in the last mile then takes place by electric truck or cargobike…”
We are always looking for ways to improve – let us know if you have any suggestions.
The elephant in the room…
Did you know that shipping accounts for only 22% of carbon emissions in the production of wine?
‘Food Miles’ as a concept is at times used interchangeably with sustainability, but it fails to take into account the benefits of sustainable and efficient practices in the vineyard and the production of wine. There is a growing body of evidence, based on improved understanding of emissions and other sustainability metrics across value chains, that demonstrates NZ is able to deliver products to international markets more efficiently and with higher certainties pertaining to value chain sustainability (including environmental impact and labour force exploitation) than many local markets.